Saturday, February 9, 2013

First Day of School Dress

The date: August 1st, 2012. The place: University of New England in Biddeford, Maine. The occasion: My first day of medical school! Here is the view I had arriving on campus. Follow the arrows to orientation...

I made a dress to wear to the first day of school, which was planned out to meet the dress code for our photos. Using more fabric bought on ridiculous discount at the Joanne's going out of business the year previously, I tried out a new pattern that turned out beautifully!

I ended up being too busy to remember to take photos until I got home -- sweaty and exhausted from a long day and a long campus tour in the summer heat (I'm still baffled as to WHY they scheduled the walking tour for the day they specifically required us to wear professional attire and footwear?).

Exhausted, but satisfied!

Class of 2016!

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